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E-health Mental Health Care



E-Health stands for digitalization of the health care – usage of information and communication technologies for support and improvement of health and health care.
General Medical Practice De Makroon applies these technologies also in the Mental Health Care. You can work on your recovery from the convenience of your own home through the high quality information you receive in the videos or texts specially created by the team of expert psychologists and learn how to better deal with your problems though specially designed assignments.

Various psychological issues are covered with numerous modules, like those for depression, anxiety, self-image, dealing with the emotions or stress, rumination, overstrung and burn out or self-compassion, to name just few.
Target group

Target group

E-Health care is accessible to all who have a computer and internet connection.
The procedure

The procedure

Your GP or Mental Health Consultant initiates an account for you in Therapieland ('Therapy Land') and you receive an e-mail on the e-mail address stored in your patient record with further instructions how to create and customize that account.

After receiving the credentials, you can log in into your account at Therpieland and there you can find videos and texts how to easily use it. Would it happen that you experience difficulties in using Therapieland, discuss that with your mental health consultant, who can remotely access the site and guide you through.

Through this remote access, consultant may watch along, observe your actions and give comments on them. This enables the feedback on your progress and necessary guidance on how and what to do outside regular sessions in the practice for your recovery. In this way mental health care is always available, where and when you need it and it has proved to be highly effective way to resolve your problems in a speedy manner.
Keeping the access

Keeping the access

The consultations with your Mental Health Consultant will cease once your problems are solved. Yet you preserve your access to E-Health account and may look back at any time how you have handled certain exercises and repeat them in case you would need it.

Security & Privacy

Security & Privacy

Your Therapieland account is secured according very tight norms. In case you would like to provide your GP and/ or Mental Health Consultant the access to it, you need to do that during the activation process by following the instructions.