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General Medical Practice de Makroon conducts spirometry, a form of lungs check-up. Spirometry is the most common of the pulmonary function tests (PFT), measuring specifically the volume and flow of air that is inhaled and exhaled. It is used to identify possible disorders in pulmonary function, like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or asthma, or the development of those disorders over time in order to adjust the medication.

COPD is a collective name for various progressive lung diseases characterized by increasing breathlessness. Normal daily activities like stairs climbing, doing groceries and even dressing up, become with these diseases highly challenging. COPD is incurable.

Asthma is chronic inflammation of the lungs airways causing airflow obstruction and bronchospasm. Lungs react oversensitive on certain factors like air pollution, smoke or dust mite. There is no cure for asthma.
Target group

Target group

Spirometry is mostly done with patients with COPD and asthma, but also if you experience tightness in the chest, frequent coughing with or without sputum, wheezing. It makes also sense for people with smoking history.

The procedure

The procedure

You take a spirometry test by exhaling the air in the spirometer through a tube placed in your mouth. The test is taken in the standing position with the straight back, you may not bow. It might happen that you get a nose clip, but it is not mandatory. Your lips should be tightly closed round the tube in order to prevent any air leakage. The test consists of inhaling and then, for at least 3 seconds, intense exhaling. This has to be repeated at least two more times, several more times in case you use medication.

The test takes approximately 45 minutes.



After evaluation, GP will discuss the results and eventual action plan with you in a separate consultation.    

Spirometry test costs are excluded from your obligatory deductible. However, in some cases, the consult with the pulmonologist is necessary and the spirogram (visual record of pulmonary function) will be sent for further evaluation. In that case, spirometry costs are not excluded from deductible, but the amount charged is much lower than when it is done in a hospital.