Population is aging
Dutch population is ageing – the number of senior citizens of 65 years and older will steadily grow in the coming years and this trend is not going to evade big cities like Amsterdam. The research shows that the percentage of elderly people choosing to stay in the cities is rising and Amsterdam is here again no exception. In the past the trend was opposite and majority from that age preferred to leave big cities. These trends, paired with social and political developments that encourage seniors to stay longer self-reliant in their own homes, create alongside the need for more (medical) care for this group and new approach for senior care anticipation.
Specific knowledge and experience
Geriatrics is an important point of attention in our practice. We have the specific knowledge and experience necessary to deal with various health issues of vulnerable elderly people and chronically ill.
We share the vision that people at higher age should be able to stay in the familiar and safe environment of their homes, stay independent and at the same time get the most adequate care.